REAL Architects, a multi-disciplinary design office, was founded in 2019 in Toronto by architect Naiji Jiao and landscape architect Xiru Chen. Now based in Shanghai and Toronto, specializing in architecture, landscape and urban design, as well as graphic and product design, REAL believes in design through the collaboration of people, theory, and design elements in which new ideas would be sparked, providing benefit to the greater community. Our approach to design also values the underlying poetic nature keenly extracted through the understanding of various scales and contexts. REAL is committed to presenting high-quality and creative design works. Our clients include Hongkong Land, Delson Golf, Glocal Education Group, Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University, etc. The office's leading designers are highly experienced in both domestic and international practice. Their experience includes involvement in many high-profile projects, such as the renovation of New York's Lincoln Center, the interior design of Canada's Parliament Centre, the architectural design of the University of Toronto's Robarts Library South, the Toronto Central Park Public Space and Streetscape Master Plan, Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines, and Dr. Lillian Mcgregor Park design in downtown Toronto. In recent years, REAL has focused on the design and construction of innovative buildings and landscapes, as well as the regeneration of urban spaces, regional planning and urban design. Our completed and ongoing projects include the Seed Pavilion and Chenxiang Pavilion in Shanghai west bund financial hub, Music Hall and Shadow Museum in Jizhou District, Tianjin, Ningbo Delson Golf Club Interior Renovation, Ningbo Centennial Church Overall Renovation, Ningbo Damin School Renovation, Kido School Design, Jiaxing Muxinju Resort Planning and Design, Urban Design of Jiangong Lake Science, Technology and Institutional Core Area, Nantong, Xuezhuang Village Master Plan, Xiong'an New Area, etc. With a diverse design team, we can explore the possibilities of design from various aspects and integrate the core values of each profession. Through designing, REAL hopes to express awareness and provide humanistic care beyond design. For any project inquiry or information about our office, please contact us at REAL Shanghai Shanghai Jingan District, Yuyuan Rd. No. 546 +86 15201241848 WeChat: realarchitects REAL Ningbo 10 Lingyun Rd., Ningbo Yinzhou District, 2nd Floor, Rm C03 +86 15201241848 WeChat: realarchitects We are always on the lookout for talented design professionals with a background in progressive architecture or landscape architecture/urban design to join the office at REAL. Qualities we are looking for in an applicant include: ● Passionate and dedicated professional, creative problem solver and clear thinker, proactive team player with the ability to take initiative in response to direction or instruction, adaptable to various roles within a dynamic work environment. ● Strong conceptual and design skills with experience in technical detailing and knowledge of construction methods. ● Excellent command of CAD/3D modeling (Rhino preferred), strong graphic and communication skills. ● Excellent writing and communication skills in English. Please apply via email with covering letter, CV and a selection of work samples in pdf format (max 10 MB) to REAL建筑事务所由焦乃积先生和陈俙如女士在2019年成立于多伦多,目前在上海和多伦多设有主要工作室。作为一个跨学科的创意型设计事务所,我们的设计涵盖建筑、室内、景观、城市、平面及产品。REAL提倡基于对所研究对象深入调研之后的团队协作,以创造出基于理性,而满含诗意的空间、场所,和物件。 REAL致力于呈现高品质、高创意度的设计作品。我们的客户包括香港置地、启新高尔夫俱乐部、格洛教育集团、清华大学建筑设计研究院等。事务所主创设计师均拥有国内外高水准的实践经验,参与并带领过纽约林肯中心音乐厅改造、加拿大国会中心室内设计、多伦多大学Robarts图书馆南馆建筑设计、多伦多城市完整街道导则、多伦多中区公园公共空间及街道景观总体规划、 多伦多市中心Dr. Lillian Mcgregor公园设计等高知名度项目,并荣获多项国际性设计大奖。 近年来REAL主要关注于创新性建筑、景观及构筑物的设计建造,城市存量空间的改造再生,区域性规划及城市设计。已完成及建设中的项目包括上海西岸金融城种子馆及沉香亭、天津蓟州区中上元古音乐厅及皮影博物馆、宁波启新高尔夫俱乐部室内改造、宁波基督教百年堂建筑及景观整体改造、宁波市达敏学校室内及景观改造、Kido绮朵国际幼儿园设计、嘉兴海盐丰义景区木心居度假酒店整体打造、江苏南通海门区謇公湖科教城核心片区概念城市设计、雄安新区容城县八于乡薛庄村风貌提升及产业园概念规划设计,等等。多元化的设计团队,使我们得以从多方面探索设计的可能性,并融会贯通各专业的核心价值。基于深入调研,挖掘场地及事物的文化内涵与特质,衍生设计,是我们一贯的设计手法。REAL希望通过设计,表达认知,继而提供超越设计本身的人文关怀。 有关更多项目及工作室信息请联系我们 REAL 上海 上海市静安区愚园路546号 电话:+86 15201241848 微信::realarchitects REAL 宁波部 宁波市鄞州区凌云路10号二楼C03 电话:+86 15201241848 微信::realarchitects 我们始终欢迎有相关背景,对设计充满热情的设计师加入REAL。 我们希望团队成员具备以下能力: ● 对设计充满热情,关注细节。处理问题时具有创造力,并思路清晰。是一个积极的团队工作者,有能力适应团队工作中的角色转换。 ● 良好的概念设计能力及施工细节的创新能力。 ● 具备良好的图面表达能力及审美。熟练掌握各种软件,包括但不限于Rhino、Sketchup、Adobe旗下软件,有Grasshopper、Revit和Lumion的使用经验为佳。 ● 具有良好的英文书写及表达能力。 有意者请将简历和作品集(PDF格式9MB以下)发送至: 我们会尽快回复您的邮件。


REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号
REAL Architects, a multi-disciplinary design office, was founded in 2019 in Toronto by architect Naiji Jiao and landscape architect Xiru Chen. Now based in Shanghai and Toronto, specializing in architecture, landscape and urban design, as well as graphic and product design, REAL believes in design through the collaboration of people, theory, and design elements in which new ideas would be sparked, providing benefit to the greater community. Our approach to design also values the underlying poetic nature keenly extracted through the understanding of various scales and contexts. REAL is committed to presenting high-quality and creative design works. Our clients include Hongkong Land, Delson Golf, Glocal Education Group, Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University, etc. The office's leading designers are highly experienced in both domestic and international practice. Their experience includes involvement in many high-profile projects, such as the renovation of New York's Lincoln Center, the interior design of Canada's Parliament Centre, the architectural design of the University of Toronto's Robarts Library South, the Toronto Central Park Public Space and Streetscape Master Plan, Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines, and Dr. Lillian Mcgregor Park design in downtown Toronto. In recent years, REAL has focused on the design and construction of innovative buildings and landscapes, as well as the regeneration of urban spaces, regional planning and urban design. Our completed and ongoing projects include the Seed Pavilion and Chenxiang Pavilion in Shanghai west bund financial hub, Music Hall and Shadow Museum in Jizhou District, Tianjin, Ningbo Delson Golf Club Interior Renovation, Ningbo Centennial Church Overall Renovation, Ningbo Damin School Renovation, Kido School Design, Jiaxing Muxinju Resort Planning and Design, Urban Design of Jiangong Lake Science, Technology and Institutional Core Area, Nantong, Xuezhuang Village Master Plan, Xiong'an New Area, etc. With a diverse design team, we can explore the possibilities of design from various aspects and integrate the core values of each profession. Through designing, REAL hopes to express awareness and provide humanistic care beyond design. For any project inquiry or information about our office, please contact us at REAL Shanghai Shanghai Jingan District, Yuyuan Rd. No. 546 +86 15201241848 WeChat: realarchitects REAL Ningbo 10 Lingyun Rd., Ningbo Yinzhou District, 2nd Floor, Rm C03 +86 15201241848 WeChat: realarchitects We are always on the lookout for talented design professionals with a background in progressive architecture or landscape architecture/urban design to join the office at REAL. Qualities we are looking for in an applicant include: ● Passionate and dedicated professional, creative problem solver and clear thinker, proactive team player with the ability to take initiative in response to direction or instruction, adaptable to various roles within a dynamic work environment. ● Strong conceptual and design skills with experience in technical detailing and knowledge of construction methods. ● Excellent command of CAD/3D modeling (Rhino preferred), strong graphic and communication skills. ● Excellent writing and communication skills in English. Please apply via email with covering letter, CV and a selection of work samples in pdf format (max 10 MB) to REAL建筑事务所由焦乃积先生和陈俙如女士在2019年成立于多伦多,目前在上海和多伦多设有主要工作室。作为一个跨学科的创意型设计事务所,我们的设计涵盖建筑、室内、景观、城市、平面及产品。REAL提倡基于对所研究对象深入调研之后的团队协作,以创造出基于理性,而满含诗意的空间、场所,和物件。 REAL致力于呈现高品质、高创意度的设计作品。我们的客户包括香港置地、启新高尔夫俱乐部、格洛教育集团、清华大学建筑设计研究院等。事务所主创设计师均拥有国内外高水准的实践经验,参与并带领过纽约林肯中心音乐厅改造、加拿大国会中心室内设计、多伦多大学Robarts图书馆南馆建筑设计、多伦多城市完整街道导则、多伦多中区公园公共空间及街道景观总体规划、 多伦多市中心Dr. Lillian Mcgregor公园设计等高知名度项目,并荣获多项国际性设计大奖。 近年来REAL主要关注于创新性建筑、景观及构筑物的设计建造,城市存量空间的改造再生,区域性规划及城市设计。已完成及建设中的项目包括上海西岸金融城种子馆及沉香亭、天津蓟州区中上元古音乐厅及皮影博物馆、宁波启新高尔夫俱乐部室内改造、宁波基督教百年堂建筑及景观整体改造、宁波市达敏学校室内及景观改造、Kido绮朵国际幼儿园设计、嘉兴海盐丰义景区木心居度假酒店整体打造、江苏南通海门区謇公湖科教城核心片区概念城市设计、雄安新区容城县八于乡薛庄村风貌提升及产业园概念规划设计,等等。多元化的设计团队,使我们得以从多方面探索设计的可能性,并融会贯通各专业的核心价值。基于深入调研,挖掘场地及事物的文化内涵与特质,衍生设计,是我们一贯的设计手法。REAL希望通过设计,表达认知,继而提供超越设计本身的人文关怀。 有关更多项目及工作室信息请联系我们 REAL 上海 上海市静安区愚园路546号 电话:+86 15201241848 微信::realarchitects REAL 宁波部 宁波市鄞州区凌云路10号二楼C03 电话:+86 15201241848 微信::realarchitects 我们始终欢迎有相关背景,对设计充满热情的设计师加入REAL。 我们希望团队成员具备以下能力: ● 对设计充满热情,关注细节。处理问题时具有创造力,并思路清晰。是一个积极的团队工作者,有能力适应团队工作中的角色转换。 ● 良好的概念设计能力及施工细节的创新能力。 ● 具备良好的图面表达能力及审美。熟练掌握各种软件,包括但不限于Rhino、Sketchup、Adobe旗下软件,有Grasshopper、Revit和Lumion的使用经验为佳。 ● 具有良好的英文书写及表达能力。 有意者请将简历和作品集(PDF格式9MB以下)发送至: 我们会尽快回复您的邮件。
REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号
REAL Architects, a multi-disciplinary design office, was founded in 2019 in Toronto by architect Naiji Jiao and landscape architect Xiru Chen. Now based in Shanghai and Toronto, specializing in architecture, landscape and urban design, as well as graphic and product design, REAL believes in design through the collaboration of people, theory, and design elements in which new ideas would be sparked, providing benefit to the greater community. Our approach to design also values the underlying poetic nature keenly extracted through the understanding of various scales and contexts. REAL is committed to presenting high-quality and creative design works. Our clients include Hongkong Land, Delson Golf, Glocal Education Group, Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University, etc. The office's leading designers are highly experienced in both domestic and international practice. Their experience includes involvement in many high-profile projects, such as the renovation of New York's Lincoln Center, the interior design of Canada's Parliament Centre, the architectural design of the University of Toronto's Robarts Library South, the Toronto Central Park Public Space and Streetscape Master Plan, Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines, and Dr. Lillian Mcgregor Park design in downtown Toronto. In recent years, REAL has focused on the design and construction of innovative buildings and landscapes, as well as the regeneration of urban spaces, regional planning and urban design. Our completed and ongoing projects include the Seed Pavilion and Chenxiang Pavilion in Shanghai west bund financial hub, Music Hall and Shadow Museum in Jizhou District, Tianjin, Ningbo Delson Golf Club Interior Renovation, Ningbo Centennial Church Overall Renovation, Ningbo Damin School Renovation, Kido School Design, Jiaxing Muxinju Resort Planning and Design, Urban Design of Jiangong Lake Science, Technology and Institutional Core Area, Nantong, Xuezhuang Village Master Plan, Xiong'an New Area, etc. With a diverse design team, we can explore the possibilities of design from various aspects and integrate the core values of each profession. Through designing, REAL hopes to express awareness and provide humanistic care beyond design. For any project inquiry or information about our office, please contact us at REAL Shanghai Shanghai Jingan District, Yuyuan Rd. No. 546 +86 15201241848 WeChat: realarchitects REAL Ningbo 10 Lingyun Rd., Ningbo Yinzhou District, 2nd Floor, Rm C03 +86 15201241848 WeChat: realarchitects We are always on the lookout for talented design professionals with a background in progressive architecture or landscape architecture/urban design to join the office at REAL. Qualities we are looking for in an applicant include: ● Passionate and dedicated professional, creative problem solver and clear thinker, proactive team player with the ability to take initiative in response to direction or instruction, adaptable to various roles within a dynamic work environment. ● Strong conceptual and design skills with experience in technical detailing and knowledge of construction methods. ● Excellent command of CAD/3D modeling (Rhino preferred), strong graphic and communication skills. ● Excellent writing and communication skills in English. Please apply via email with covering letter, CV and a selection of work samples in pdf format (max 10 MB) to REAL建筑事务所由焦乃积先生和陈俙如女士在2019年成立于多伦多,目前在上海和多伦多设有主要工作室。作为一个跨学科的创意型设计事务所,我们的设计涵盖建筑、室内、景观、城市、平面及产品。REAL提倡基于对所研究对象深入调研之后的团队协作,以创造出基于理性,而满含诗意的空间、场所,和物件。 REAL致力于呈现高品质、高创意度的设计作品。我们的客户包括香港置地、启新高尔夫俱乐部、格洛教育集团、清华大学建筑设计研究院等。事务所主创设计师均拥有国内外高水准的实践经验,参与并带领过纽约林肯中心音乐厅改造、加拿大国会中心室内设计、多伦多大学Robarts图书馆南馆建筑设计、多伦多城市完整街道导则、多伦多中区公园公共空间及街道景观总体规划、 多伦多市中心Dr. Lillian Mcgregor公园设计等高知名度项目,并荣获多项国际性设计大奖。 近年来REAL主要关注于创新性建筑、景观及构筑物的设计建造,城市存量空间的改造再生,区域性规划及城市设计。已完成及建设中的项目包括上海西岸金融城种子馆及沉香亭、天津蓟州区中上元古音乐厅及皮影博物馆、宁波启新高尔夫俱乐部室内改造、宁波基督教百年堂建筑及景观整体改造、宁波市达敏学校室内及景观改造、Kido绮朵国际幼儿园设计、嘉兴海盐丰义景区木心居度假酒店整体打造、江苏南通海门区謇公湖科教城核心片区概念城市设计、雄安新区容城县八于乡薛庄村风貌提升及产业园概念规划设计,等等。多元化的设计团队,使我们得以从多方面探索设计的可能性,并融会贯通各专业的核心价值。基于深入调研,挖掘场地及事物的文化内涵与特质,衍生设计,是我们一贯的设计手法。REAL希望通过设计,表达认知,继而提供超越设计本身的人文关怀。 有关更多项目及工作室信息请联系我们 REAL 上海 上海市静安区愚园路546号 电话:+86 15201241848 微信::realarchitects REAL 宁波部 宁波市鄞州区凌云路10号二楼C03 电话:+86 15201241848 微信::realarchitects 我们始终欢迎有相关背景,对设计充满热情的设计师加入REAL。 我们希望团队成员具备以下能力: ● 对设计充满热情,关注细节。处理问题时具有创造力,并思路清晰。是一个积极的团队工作者,有能力适应团队工作中的角色转换。 ● 良好的概念设计能力及施工细节的创新能力。 ● 具备良好的图面表达能力及审美。熟练掌握各种软件,包括但不限于Rhino、Sketchup、Adobe旗下软件,有Grasshopper、Revit和Lumion的使用经验为佳。 ● 具有良好的英文书写及表达能力。 有意者请将简历和作品集(PDF格式9MB以下)发送至: 我们会尽快回复您的邮件。
REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号
REAL Architects, a multi-disciplinary design office, was founded in 2019 in Toronto by architect Naiji Jiao and landscape architect Xiru Chen. Now based in Shanghai and Toronto, specializing in architecture, landscape and urban design, as well as graphic and product design, REAL believes in design through the collaboration of people, theory, and design elements in which new ideas would be sparked, providing benefit to the greater community. Our approach to design also values the underlying poetic nature keenly extracted through the understanding of various scales and contexts. REAL is committed to presenting high-quality and creative design works. Our clients include Hongkong Land, Delson Golf, Glocal Education Group, Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University, etc. The office's leading designers are highly experienced in both domestic and international practice. Their experience includes involvement in many high-profile projects, such as the renovation of New York's Lincoln Center, the interior design of Canada's Parliament Centre, the architectural design of the University of Toronto's Robarts Library South, the Toronto Central Park Public Space and Streetscape Master Plan, Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines, and Dr. Lillian Mcgregor Park design in downtown Toronto. In recent years, REAL has focused on the design and construction of innovative buildings and landscapes, as well as the regeneration of urban spaces, regional planning and urban design. Our completed and ongoing projects include the Seed Pavilion and Chenxiang Pavilion in Shanghai west bund financial hub, Music Hall and Shadow Museum in Jizhou District, Tianjin, Ningbo Delson Golf Club Interior Renovation, Ningbo Centennial Church Overall Renovation, Ningbo Damin School Renovation, Kido School Design, Jiaxing Muxinju Resort Planning and Design, Urban Design of Jiangong Lake Science, Technology and Institutional Core Area, Nantong, Xuezhuang Village Master Plan, Xiong'an New Area, etc. With a diverse design team, we can explore the possibilities of design from various aspects and integrate the core values of each profession. Through designing, REAL hopes to express awareness and provide humanistic care beyond design. For any project inquiry or information about our office, please contact us at REAL Shanghai Shanghai Jingan District, Yuyuan Rd. No. 546 +86 15201241848 WeChat: realarchitects REAL Ningbo 10 Lingyun Rd., Ningbo Yinzhou District, 2nd Floor, Rm C03 +86 15201241848 WeChat: realarchitects We are always on the lookout for talented design professionals with a background in progressive architecture or landscape architecture/urban design to join the office at REAL. Qualities we are looking for in an applicant include: ● Passionate and dedicated professional, creative problem solver and clear thinker, proactive team player with the ability to take initiative in response to direction or instruction, adaptable to various roles within a dynamic work environment. ● Strong conceptual and design skills with experience in technical detailing and knowledge of construction methods. ● Excellent command of CAD/3D modeling (Rhino preferred), strong graphic and communication skills. ● Excellent writing and communication skills in English. Please apply via email with covering letter, CV and a selection of work samples in pdf format (max 10 MB) to REAL建筑事务所由焦乃积先生和陈俙如女士在2019年成立于多伦多,目前在上海和多伦多设有主要工作室。作为一个跨学科的创意型设计事务所,我们的设计涵盖建筑、室内、景观、城市、平面及产品。REAL提倡基于对所研究对象深入调研之后的团队协作,以创造出基于理性,而满含诗意的空间、场所,和物件。 REAL致力于呈现高品质、高创意度的设计作品。我们的客户包括香港置地、启新高尔夫俱乐部、格洛教育集团、清华大学建筑设计研究院等。事务所主创设计师均拥有国内外高水准的实践经验,参与并带领过纽约林肯中心音乐厅改造、加拿大国会中心室内设计、多伦多大学Robarts图书馆南馆建筑设计、多伦多城市完整街道导则、多伦多中区公园公共空间及街道景观总体规划、 多伦多市中心Dr. Lillian Mcgregor公园设计等高知名度项目,并荣获多项国际性设计大奖。 近年来REAL主要关注于创新性建筑、景观及构筑物的设计建造,城市存量空间的改造再生,区域性规划及城市设计。已完成及建设中的项目包括上海西岸金融城种子馆及沉香亭、天津蓟州区中上元古音乐厅及皮影博物馆、宁波启新高尔夫俱乐部室内改造、宁波基督教百年堂建筑及景观整体改造、宁波市达敏学校室内及景观改造、Kido绮朵国际幼儿园设计、嘉兴海盐丰义景区木心居度假酒店整体打造、江苏南通海门区謇公湖科教城核心片区概念城市设计、雄安新区容城县八于乡薛庄村风貌提升及产业园概念规划设计,等等。多元化的设计团队,使我们得以从多方面探索设计的可能性,并融会贯通各专业的核心价值。基于深入调研,挖掘场地及事物的文化内涵与特质,衍生设计,是我们一贯的设计手法。REAL希望通过设计,表达认知,继而提供超越设计本身的人文关怀。 有关更多项目及工作室信息请联系我们 REAL 上海 上海市静安区愚园路546号 电话:+86 15201241848 微信::realarchitects REAL 宁波部 宁波市鄞州区凌云路10号二楼C03 电话:+86 15201241848 微信::realarchitects 我们始终欢迎有相关背景,对设计充满热情的设计师加入REAL。 我们希望团队成员具备以下能力: ● 对设计充满热情,关注细节。处理问题时具有创造力,并思路清晰。是一个积极的团队工作者,有能力适应团队工作中的角色转换。 ● 良好的概念设计能力及施工细节的创新能力。 ● 具备良好的图面表达能力及审美。熟练掌握各种软件,包括但不限于Rhino、Sketchup、Adobe旗下软件,有Grasshopper、Revit和Lumion的使用经验为佳。 ● 具有良好的英文书写及表达能力。 有意者请将简历和作品集(PDF格式9MB以下)发送至: 我们会尽快回复您的邮件。
REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号